Who We Are

We are an open, friendly congregation reaching out in love to one another and to all who enter our doors. Members and friends are strong in commitment to the church, work well together, and have compassion for one another. We are a small church with heart, in the name of Christ.

The church is situated in the historic district of Springs, along with a community building across the street, the library, and a number of historic homes. The relationships among these institutions is open and mutually supportive. The congregation has been here 140 years, living faithfully and thinking critically of our place and witness in the community. We honor the past but are not bound by it. The church is alive spiritually with a strong sense of community grounded in our belief that Jesus is our guide and salvation.

From that faith, the Springs church is centered in worship, Presbyterian in its governance, members honoring varied religious points of view, and cooperative with sister churches and faith communities in town. Among the neighboring congregations, the Springs church is unique because Springs is unique, local, independent in spirit, with a vibrant, diverse population.

Looking to the Future

The congregation wishes to continue the kind of worship it presently offers. This includes strong preaching, its application to personal growth, with concerns for the community and the world. We look to be a witness to the Gospel in a ministry of caring and in commitment to justice without being partisan. We have a youth service every second Sunday of the month. We enjoy worship and its music, where our minds and souls are nourished.

We wish to continue to be an open, welcoming community of faith, informal in style. We explore how we can be of service in the community. That includes continuing ties and support of the Springs Fire Department, and for the food pantry the church first organized as a mission project in 1991. The Springs Food Pantry is now an established 501.3c self-operating organization housed in the church. It serves hundreds of residents weekly.

As with many churches, challenges for us are growth and budget. We recognize growth is not what it once was, and rather than a restoration of what is past, we realistically look to welcome new members, and are open to new expressions of ministry. In these challenges, we want to continue to be the warm, friendly congregation that we are in the love of Christ.